Well, we'll go to Cordoba/Granada/Ronda, and leave from Malaga airport. Should we go to Marbella? Where else should we visit? Best beaches? thanks
To get to Ronda it's easier from Marbella than from Malaga so see Marbella for an hour or so while you're there...the old town is nice, the centre is horrible and the beach is too touristy and artificially poshed up but has a pleasant coffee and ice cream place for a sit down.
The bus from Marbella to Ronda is worth the ride in itself. It's a very scenic route.....and Ronda is awesome.
There is a better way round which gets you round a lot of Andalucia's best places.
Go from Malaga to Grenada first and then to Cordoba via Jaen. You get some awesome sights on the way...great ride.
From Cordoba get the bus to to glorious fantastico majestico superbo SEVILLA!!!!! and have a ball.
It's a great city and two weeks after Easter it has the biggest fair in Europe, the Feria de Abril, also called Feria de Sevilla, with over a thousand marquees and you won't find accommodation within ten miles of the city centre unless you are very lucky. People throng there from all over Europe and even from USA South America and north Africa.
First time there I slept in a tent by the river Guadalquivir ( I always carry one...a tent that is, not a river) with loads of others camping there cos the backpackerhostels and all the town's hostals and hotels were full cos I didn't know till I got there what was on...hehehe, soon did.
I've been eight times more since then,,,,hehe, fab.
Six afternoons and nights of food and drink music and dancing Sevillianas, laughter and friendship, fun and fun and fun...
....and a couple of warm-up days to get in some practice, whoppppeeeeeee!!!!!!
Seville t also has magnificent architecture, the Archives of the Indies in their own library building (WOW, what a building holding all the early American history and exploration stuff ....original documents held there ), great theatres, huge gardens, the third biggest cathedral in the world and the Giralda Tower as part of it, terrific eating, amazing bridges, ......gotta stop, could fill a book....oh, and Pepe's bar where you can get proper flamenco cos Pepe was a professional flamenco singer and people drop in to the bar and have a gig
From there if you can manage to leave glorious Seville, get the train to Cadiz (or the bus and see a few white villages on the way like the gorgeous Arcos de Frontera) and in Cadiz eat in the Botanical Gardens and you'll be in Paradise, see the nautical museum (oooohhhh....) and the lovely lanes in the early morning light when Cadiz is magic and watch the Sun setting from the very spot Magellan left from to go sightseeing round the world.
From Cadiz get the bus south to the big and important Roman ruins and glorious beaches of Bolonia which has the biggest moving sand dune in Europe...it crawls along a bit over the years.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/europe/spain/andalusia/727652/Spain-Lets-keep-this-our-Spanish-secret.html . . . . .
Then on the bus again on the Autostrada to the furthest south you can get in mainland Europe......a lot more south than the tip of Italy Tarifa the home of surfing and the origin of port tarifs (0h, well well that's what a tarif was to start with. ) and it's a great place to relax.
Then on the bus to Algeceras changing there for La Linea to visit Gibraltar (But eat and sleep in La Linea, it's much cheaper), and then get the bus along the coast to
Marbella...at last
from where you go can up to Ronda and revel in it's glories for a couple of days with an overnight stay or two and come back again to Marbella for a coffee and ice cream on the beach and you'll see the old town on the walk down from the bus station anyway and the rest of Maebella isn't worth wasting time on so get the bus along the coast back to Malaga which is a historical port well worth exploring and the castle and gardens are GR8, stay at Picasso's Corner cos it's handy for the fun and parties in the market square (Plaza de Merced) where all the action is (but not till after 11pm cos they sleep in the evening and go out at night when normal folks go home) for a big and happy goodbye party to beautiful wonderful glorious exciting and stunning Andalucia.
That lot won't fit into a week... two weeks is much better and three is comfortable for all the traveling and having time to see a place without rushing round it.
Phone in sick...take a month over it.....yeah.......oh well, save up for another trip......
To get to Ronda it's easier from Marbella than from Malaga so see Marbella for an hour or so while you're there...the old town is nice, the centre is horrible and the beach is too touristy and artificially poshed up but has a pleasant coffee and ice cream place for a sit down.
The bus from Marbella to Ronda is worth the ride in itself. It's a very scenic route.....and Ronda is awesome.
There is a better way round which gets you round a lot of Andalucia's best places.
Go from Malaga to Grenada first and then to Cordoba via Jaen. You get some awesome sights on the way...great ride.
From Cordoba get the bus to to glorious fantastico majestico superbo SEVILLA!!!!! and have a ball.
It's a great city and two weeks after Easter it has the biggest fair in Europe, the Feria de Abril, also called Feria de Sevilla, with over a thousand marquees and you won't find accommodation within ten miles of the city centre unless you are very lucky. People throng there from all over Europe and even from USA South America and north Africa.
First time there I slept in a tent by the river Guadalquivir ( I always carry one...a tent that is, not a river) with loads of others camping there cos the backpackerhostels and all the town's hostals and hotels were full cos I didn't know till I got there what was on...hehehe, soon did.
I've been eight times more since then,,,,hehe, fab.
Six afternoons and nights of food and drink music and dancing Sevillianas, laughter and friendship, fun and fun and fun...
....and a couple of warm-up days to get in some practice, whoppppeeeeeee!!!!!!
Seville t also has magnificent architecture, the Archives of the Indies in their own library building (WOW, what a building holding all the early American history and exploration stuff ....original documents held there ), great theatres, huge gardens, the third biggest cathedral in the world and the Giralda Tower as part of it, terrific eating, amazing bridges, ......gotta stop, could fill a book....oh, and Pepe's bar where you can get proper flamenco cos Pepe was a professional flamenco singer and people drop in to the bar and have a gig
From there if you can manage to leave glorious Seville, get the train to Cadiz (or the bus and see a few white villages on the way like the gorgeous Arcos de Frontera) and in Cadiz eat in the Botanical Gardens and you'll be in Paradise, see the nautical museum (oooohhhh....) and the lovely lanes in the early morning light when Cadiz is magic and watch the Sun setting from the very spot Magellan left from to go sightseeing round the world.
From Cadiz get the bus south to the big and important Roman ruins and glorious beaches of Bolonia which has the biggest moving sand dune in Europe...it crawls along a bit over the years.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/europe/spain/andalusia/727652/Spain-Lets-keep-this-our-Spanish-secret.html . . . . .
Then on the bus again on the Autostrada to the furthest south you can get in mainland Europe......a lot more south than the tip of Italy Tarifa the home of surfing and the origin of port tarifs (0h, well well that's what a tarif was to start with. ) and it's a great place to relax.
Then on the bus to Algeceras changing there for La Linea to visit Gibraltar (But eat and sleep in La Linea, it's much cheaper), and then get the bus along the coast to
Marbella...at last
from where you go can up to Ronda and revel in it's glories for a couple of days with an overnight stay or two and come back again to Marbella for a coffee and ice cream on the beach and you'll see the old town on the walk down from the bus station anyway and the rest of Maebella isn't worth wasting time on so get the bus along the coast back to Malaga which is a historical port well worth exploring and the castle and gardens are GR8, stay at Picasso's Corner cos it's handy for the fun and parties in the market square (Plaza de Merced) where all the action is (but not till after 11pm cos they sleep in the evening and go out at night when normal folks go home) for a big and happy goodbye party to beautiful wonderful glorious exciting and stunning Andalucia.
That lot won't fit into a week... two weeks is much better and three is comfortable for all the traveling and having time to see a place without rushing round it.
Phone in sick...take a month over it.....yeah.......oh well, save up for another trip......
Gibraltar: Cheapest room for 2nights? In my 20s.Hostelish/ la pension? (B&Bs)?

simon l
Links for recently used places (not reviews of places more than a year old) please.
(Also for Valencia, Alicante, Granada), thanks
Thanks to the first posters so far. Ideally I woudl be looking to spend £40 a night max. Is it worth staying there? For a day scuba diving? Anywhere else close by? Will be in Seville then Cadiz, Gibraltar, Murcia, Malaga, Valencia, Alicante only max of 2 nights in each
Don't bother staying in Gibraltar. Stay in La Linea for half the price. Gibraltar is hellish expensive,except for the duty-free stuff. I normally stay at Hostal Carlos,in the town centre,and only ten minutes walk from the Gibraltar entrance gate. The Liverpool pub is just round the corner,half locals,half ex-pats,and bitter or lager quite cheap. Good folks running it,and a good place for local tips,where to go,etc. They told me about Carlos, I went round,got a room,and came back to finish the pint. Easy as that. Great place. Around 30 Euros a night. Then you're saving money,and you've got somewhere outside of Gib to bring the duty-frees out to every day if you want. You get the same ration every trip over there. Two trips a day if you want. The locals do. La Linea is a fine place,with lots to see,some lovely plazas and buildings,(the music school is great,with nice gardens round) and much cheaper eating than Gib. There's a good bar three doors along from the Carlos,still serving at 2 am,and food available then as well. Nice place to finish the evening in,and hop into the Carlos for some kip. You can live well in La Linea, believe me. There's also a couple of backpackers in La Linea,and a few other budget hotels. Hostal Marcos is just down the road from Carlos,on the opposite side and similar price. There's a very good Tourist Board office near the entrance to Gib on the promenade road. It's a seperate building in an open space,really can't miss it. Good for asking about travel,rooms,free map of the town. ... http://www.andalucia.com/province/cadiz/la-linea/home.htm ....no offence to the lady,but The Rock is high-level,price-wise and getting to it. Bit of a climb. You'll see when you get there if you go to the Botanical Gadens (worth seeing). La Linea and Gibraltar tips are also on here PROPER LINK NOW...... http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AslZvUpVt6en.rKAHuRKG8FJBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080904113500AAlNJYS ..Valencia has loads of cheap Hostals,hundreds of them.,and some good backackers. Very warm and friendly city,with a stunning Botanical Garden,and great achitecture. Granada has a couple of good backpackers,and a lot of Hostals and B&Bs.a bit pricier than most because of the tourism interest,with the Alhambra,etc. It's also very cold in winter. Serious winter stuff reuired. On the hostels link just put the country and town in the boxes at the topp to get a list of budget hotels and backpackers,then click on each one for details. I've used hostelbookers all over the world without a single problem. Every place has had me on tne arrivals list,all over Europe,in South Africa,Chile,Peru....great system. Small deposit up front and balance on arrival. ... http://www.hostelbookers.com/.... RE.. SEVILLE ETC...PERFECT...that is the very trip I would advise for a really good look around and see the just how good Andalucia is,as far as Malaga anyway. It's easy by bus. The buses are comfortable and reliable. Done that trip three times round from Seville to Malaga,down on the coastal route and back on the direct bus from Malaga to Seville. Awesome journey. Accommodation no prob. Loads of cheap hostals(in the Spanish sense) in all of them,and backpackers if you want. For scuba, Tarifa has some really good water.There's a causeway out to Paloma Island,with the the Atlantic one side and the Med on the other,with signs to tell you so...really great place. The Med is the sheltered side. Get the coach from Seville to Cadiz...see the Maritime Museum..awesome,and eat in the Botanical Garden with specimen trees,silver birds swooping around the treetops like sparkling jewels. I slept on the beach there under a restuarant on columns and found five other tents there just when I thought I'd found a nice quiet place to hide away for the night. Cadiz old town is a dream. Fabulous in the early morning,just brilliant. From there,the bus to Tarifa,which is really a place not to miss,and the southernmost point of Europe(check the latitude,cf with Italy),and then the bus to Algeceras for the connection to La Linea and Gibtralta. Link to my answer on Tarifa below,mixed in with other stuff about accomm etc. See the second paragragh on here.. http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AipBZ5AkC_E9uAJI5cLFHvMhBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20081021090129AAAN40i&show=7#profile-info-e2e8a15d26d546123239deb890d2ad2aaa ... .The bus to from Cadiz to Algeceras. which you have to go to for the La Linea connecting bus, takes that route anyway,so you may as well stop for a night and see it. Really worth doing. Bit of a walk from the bus station( just a dirt square really) but it's like an old frontier town from the westerns. Then you see the old town through the arch. Great.
Don't bother staying in Gibraltar. Stay in La Linea for half the price. Gibraltar is hellish expensive,except for the duty-free stuff. I normally stay at Hostal Carlos,in the town centre,and only ten minutes walk from the Gibraltar entrance gate. The Liverpool pub is just round the corner,half locals,half ex-pats,and bitter or lager quite cheap. Good folks running it,and a good place for local tips,where to go,etc. They told me about Carlos, I went round,got a room,and came back to finish the pint. Easy as that. Great place. Around 30 Euros a night. Then you're saving money,and you've got somewhere outside of Gib to bring the duty-frees out to every day if you want. You get the same ration every trip over there. Two trips a day if you want. The locals do. La Linea is a fine place,with lots to see,some lovely plazas and buildings,(the music school is great,with nice gardens round) and much cheaper eating than Gib. There's a good bar three doors along from the Carlos,still serving at 2 am,and food available then as well. Nice place to finish the evening in,and hop into the Carlos for some kip. You can live well in La Linea, believe me. There's also a couple of backpackers in La Linea,and a few other budget hotels. Hostal Marcos is just down the road from Carlos,on the opposite side and similar price. There's a very good Tourist Board office near the entrance to Gib on the promenade road. It's a seperate building in an open space,really can't miss it. Good for asking about travel,rooms,free map of the town. ... http://www.andalucia.com/province/cadiz/la-linea/home.htm ....no offence to the lady,but The Rock is high-level,price-wise and getting to it. Bit of a climb. You'll see when you get there if you go to the Botanical Gadens (worth seeing). La Linea and Gibraltar tips are also on here PROPER LINK NOW...... http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AslZvUpVt6en.rKAHuRKG8FJBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080904113500AAlNJYS ..Valencia has loads of cheap Hostals,hundreds of them.,and some good backackers. Very warm and friendly city,with a stunning Botanical Garden,and great achitecture. Granada has a couple of good backpackers,and a lot of Hostals and B&Bs.a bit pricier than most because of the tourism interest,with the Alhambra,etc. It's also very cold in winter. Serious winter stuff reuired. On the hostels link just put the country and town in the boxes at the topp to get a list of budget hotels and backpackers,then click on each one for details. I've used hostelbookers all over the world without a single problem. Every place has had me on tne arrivals list,all over Europe,in South Africa,Chile,Peru....great system. Small deposit up front and balance on arrival. ... http://www.hostelbookers.com/.... RE.. SEVILLE ETC...PERFECT...that is the very trip I would advise for a really good look around and see the just how good Andalucia is,as far as Malaga anyway. It's easy by bus. The buses are comfortable and reliable. Done that trip three times round from Seville to Malaga,down on the coastal route and back on the direct bus from Malaga to Seville. Awesome journey. Accommodation no prob. Loads of cheap hostals(in the Spanish sense) in all of them,and backpackers if you want. For scuba, Tarifa has some really good water.There's a causeway out to Paloma Island,with the the Atlantic one side and the Med on the other,with signs to tell you so...really great place. The Med is the sheltered side. Get the coach from Seville to Cadiz...see the Maritime Museum..awesome,and eat in the Botanical Garden with specimen trees,silver birds swooping around the treetops like sparkling jewels. I slept on the beach there under a restuarant on columns and found five other tents there just when I thought I'd found a nice quiet place to hide away for the night. Cadiz old town is a dream. Fabulous in the early morning,just brilliant. From there,the bus to Tarifa,which is really a place not to miss,and the southernmost point of Europe(check the latitude,cf with Italy),and then the bus to Algeceras for the connection to La Linea and Gibtralta. Link to my answer on Tarifa below,mixed in with other stuff about accomm etc. See the second paragragh on here.. http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AipBZ5AkC_E9uAJI5cLFHvMhBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20081021090129AAAN40i&show=7#profile-info-e2e8a15d26d546123239deb890d2ad2aaa ... .The bus to from Cadiz to Algeceras. which you have to go to for the La Linea connecting bus, takes that route anyway,so you may as well stop for a night and see it. Really worth doing. Bit of a walk from the bus station( just a dirt square really) but it's like an old frontier town from the westerns. Then you see the old town through the arch. Great.
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Title Post: Which towns to visit in Andalucia?
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