vintage beach tents image
im 13 & summers here in 31 days. :D im making a list of things to do over the summer. any additions?
1. hang out with my friends A LOT
2. go outside nearly every day
3. get a tan
4. lose 10 pounds
5. go to the beach
5. get a completely new look
6. tp houses!
7. have a bonfire with all of my friends
8. sleep in a tent in my backyard with my friends
9. make smores
10. buy a TON of new clothes
11. read at least 3 books
12. change my attitude/personality
13. dress like a complete retardwith my friends & go out in public like that
14. dye my hair
15. sit on my roof & watch the sunset
16. talk to people from school that i dont normally talk to
Okay, here are some i thought of:
Try1. Play board games all day.
2. Go get a make over at the mall.
3. Throw a sleep over with three of your pals and play truth or dare, eat munchies, and watch flicks all nite. While staying up 24/7, makeovers, manicures, and pedicure are free.
4. Make an ultra breakfast for your friends or family.
5. Give yourself a free pass/coupon to eat whatever you want for one day.
6. Play charades with you friends.
7. Rent 5 scary movies and watch them with your friends within 2 days.
8. Go have a fun time at a playground.
9. Go out for pizza.
10. Read and write some poetry.
11. Go to a thrift store for some neat, vintage items.
12. Make a scrap book about a relationship you are in, family, friends, or things you did over the summer.
13. Pick some flowers from your garden and put them in your room.
14. Grab a Cosmopolitan magazine and take some quizzes out of it.
15. Go to a park with some McDonald's and a friend... have a small picnic.
16. Look through old yearbooks.
17. Buy a book of Mad Libs to pass the time.
18. Discover a new talent.
19. Meditate for 30 minutes.
20. Throw a theme party and invite your closest friends.
21. Go bowling!
22. Write down 3 goals you want to accomplish for the school year to come.
23. Read a novel or different style of book that you usually don't read.
24. Treat a friend to lunch.
25. Play truth or dare with your friends (for old times sake).
26. Make koolaide popcicles.
27. Have a reading done by a fortune teller.
28. Apply for a summer job.
29. Buy a dream book to discover what your dreams mean.
30. Go on a steady diet for one month.
31. Pitch a tent, invite some friends over, cook smores, and have a fun camping experience.
32. Blow bubbles.
33. Attend a book club at Barnes and Noble.
34. Go to an amusement park.
35. Make a collage.
36. GOLF!
37. Play BINGO.
38. Go to a flea market to find treasures.
39. Create a website.
40. Make a mixed cd (legally, lol).
41. Bake cupcakes and decorate them too
Okay, sorry, im sick of numbering.. heres more.
Go across the room with an egg balanced on your head.
Same as above, but put the egg down your pants. Don't crack it!
Rate this quizilla really high over and over ;)
Prank call someone.
Make cookies
Practice kissing.
Take a nice warm bubble bath.
Have a spa day.
Do your hair and makeup for fun.
Teach your pet a trick.
Write a skit and get some people to act it out.
Have a swimming relay race.
Tan (I personally hate tanning, it ruins your body, but what do I know?)
Do hanstands and flips.
Practice diving.
"Accidently" throw someone into the pool.
Insist someone gives you a piggy-back in the pool.
Sit on a raft to attract guys ;)
Plan your dream vacation. Add the costs and plan activites.
Make your own movie about, um.... like animal testing for products, and ask the school principal if you can show it, next year of course.
Help out at the local nursing home.
Plan and do a fundraiser, and donate money to your public school/town library.
Start a book/movie club.
Be a club president.
Switch places with your friend for a day, and you must act like her, live with her family, etc.
Look up big words, and then use them to sound smart.
Prank Call some boys.
Run outside naked.
Play spin the bottle.
Play truth or dare..... with boys.
Prank someone.
Hand around a newsstand or something and annoy people trying to read.
Go to the mall in a bathing suit.
Go skinny-dipping.
Make short surveys (they can have dumb questions) and have people fill them out.
Try on stuff you can't afford.
Get A HUGE bra and ask some guy (Must be a male) if he thinks it's big enough.
Go to a picture place and ask how long a one-hour photo is.
Go to a toy store and start playing with barbies. If anyone stares (preferably a teen or older) ask in a stony voice what his problem is.
Ask random people to give you piggy-back rides.
This websites will keep you going for days:
Okay, here are some i thought of:
Try1. Play board games all day.
2. Go get a make over at the mall.
3. Throw a sleep over with three of your pals and play truth or dare, eat munchies, and watch flicks all nite. While staying up 24/7, makeovers, manicures, and pedicure are free.
4. Make an ultra breakfast for your friends or family.
5. Give yourself a free pass/coupon to eat whatever you want for one day.
6. Play charades with you friends.
7. Rent 5 scary movies and watch them with your friends within 2 days.
8. Go have a fun time at a playground.
9. Go out for pizza.
10. Read and write some poetry.
11. Go to a thrift store for some neat, vintage items.
12. Make a scrap book about a relationship you are in, family, friends, or things you did over the summer.
13. Pick some flowers from your garden and put them in your room.
14. Grab a Cosmopolitan magazine and take some quizzes out of it.
15. Go to a park with some McDonald's and a friend... have a small picnic.
16. Look through old yearbooks.
17. Buy a book of Mad Libs to pass the time.
18. Discover a new talent.
19. Meditate for 30 minutes.
20. Throw a theme party and invite your closest friends.
21. Go bowling!
22. Write down 3 goals you want to accomplish for the school year to come.
23. Read a novel or different style of book that you usually don't read.
24. Treat a friend to lunch.
25. Play truth or dare with your friends (for old times sake).
26. Make koolaide popcicles.
27. Have a reading done by a fortune teller.
28. Apply for a summer job.
29. Buy a dream book to discover what your dreams mean.
30. Go on a steady diet for one month.
31. Pitch a tent, invite some friends over, cook smores, and have a fun camping experience.
32. Blow bubbles.
33. Attend a book club at Barnes and Noble.
34. Go to an amusement park.
35. Make a collage.
36. GOLF!
37. Play BINGO.
38. Go to a flea market to find treasures.
39. Create a website.
40. Make a mixed cd (legally, lol).
41. Bake cupcakes and decorate them too
Okay, sorry, im sick of numbering.. heres more.
Go across the room with an egg balanced on your head.
Same as above, but put the egg down your pants. Don't crack it!
Rate this quizilla really high over and over ;)
Prank call someone.
Make cookies
Practice kissing.
Take a nice warm bubble bath.
Have a spa day.
Do your hair and makeup for fun.
Teach your pet a trick.
Write a skit and get some people to act it out.
Have a swimming relay race.
Tan (I personally hate tanning, it ruins your body, but what do I know?)
Do hanstands and flips.
Practice diving.
"Accidently" throw someone into the pool.
Insist someone gives you a piggy-back in the pool.
Sit on a raft to attract guys ;)
Plan your dream vacation. Add the costs and plan activites.
Make your own movie about, um.... like animal testing for products, and ask the school principal if you can show it, next year of course.
Help out at the local nursing home.
Plan and do a fundraiser, and donate money to your public school/town library.
Start a book/movie club.
Be a club president.
Switch places with your friend for a day, and you must act like her, live with her family, etc.
Look up big words, and then use them to sound smart.
Prank Call some boys.
Run outside naked.
Play spin the bottle.
Play truth or dare..... with boys.
Prank someone.
Hand around a newsstand or something and annoy people trying to read.
Go to the mall in a bathing suit.
Go skinny-dipping.
Make short surveys (they can have dumb questions) and have people fill them out.
Try on stuff you can't afford.
Get A HUGE bra and ask some guy (Must be a male) if he thinks it's big enough.
Go to a picture place and ask how long a one-hour photo is.
Go to a toy store and start playing with barbies. If anyone stares (preferably a teen or older) ask in a stony voice what his problem is.
Ask random people to give you piggy-back rides.
This websites will keep you going for days:
what can i do in the summer?
you know about the holidays and travels
. Play board games all day.
2. Go get a make over at the mall.
3. Throw a sleep over with three of your pals and play truth or dare, eat munchies, and watch flicks all nite. While staying up 24/7, makeovers, manicures, and pedicure are free.
4. Make an ultra breakfast for your friends or family.
5. Give yourself a free pass/coupon to eat whatever you want for one day.
6. Play charades with you friends.
7. Rent 5 scary movies and watch them with your friends within 2 days.
8. Go have a fun time at a playground.
9. Go out for pizza.
10. Read and write some poetry.
11. Go to a thrift store for some neat, vintage items.
12. Make a scrap book about a relationship you are in, family, friends, or things you did over the summer.
13. Pick some flowers from your garden and put them in your room.
14. Grab a Cosmopolitan magazine and take some quizzes out of it.
15. Go to a park with some McDonald's and a friend... have a small picnic.
16. Look through old yearbooks.
17. Buy a book of Mad Libs to pass the time.
18. Discover a new talent.
19. Meditate for 30 minutes.
20. Throw a theme party and invite your closest friends.
21. Go bowling!
22. Write down 3 goals you want to accomplish for the school year to come.
23. Read a novel or different style of book that you usually don't read.
24. Treat a friend to lunch.
25. Play truth or dare with your friends (for old times sake).
26. Make koolaide popcicles.
27. Have a reading done by a fortune teller.
28. Apply for a summer job.
29. Buy a dream book to discover what your dreams mean.
30. Go on a steady diet for one month.
31. Pitch a tent, invite some friends over, cook smores, and have a fun camping experience.
32. Blow bubbles.
33. Attend a book club at Barnes and Noble.
34. Go to an amusement park.
35. Make a collage.
36. GOLF!
37. Play BINGO.
38. Go to a flea market to find treasures.
39. Create a website.
40. Make a mixed cd (legally, lol).
41. Bake cupcakes and decorate them.
Bathe in the ocean
Build a sandcastle
Bury someone in the sand
Buy a movie projector and charge admission to view the movie that is projected on the side of your house at night. (set up chairs, couches, snack bar etc.)
Celebrate on the beach with an ice cream fight - then dive in with your clothes on
Cook your breakfast on an outdoor fire
Find a field of wild flowers and sell bouquets for 5 bucks each
Float down a slow river on a tube
Get a random summer job with a friend
Go boating
Go camping on the beach
Go far a tram ride
Go on a rock find
Go paddle boating
Go swimming with all your clothes on
Go to a classical concert outdoors
Go to an afternoon baseball game
Go to an outdoor café
Go to the beach with sandwiches and a fantastic friend
Go to your nearest trampoline and bounce
Have a classic movie night outside with friends
Learn a new water dive
Learn to throw a boomerang
Look for sand dollars and shells at a beach
On a super hot day, get a kiddy wading pool - fill it up - then sit in it for most of the afternoon
Play backgammon outdoors somewhere
Play croquet with party beverages
Play some children's games
Put up a basketball hoop
Ride a bike off a dock right into the lake!
Ride every ride at the carnival
Set up the sprinkler
Sign up for a summer camp
Sleep on your roof
Start a herb garden
Summer snowball fight (if you have an indoor ice arena close by, there should always be a big pile of snow at the side of the building - just take a couple of coolers and fill them up with snow, then go to the beach when it's 90 degrees and have a snowball fight)
Swim at the pool
Swim in a lake or a river
That old favorite - badminton
Watch fireflies light their bums up
Yee-ha - take a hayride
1. Go to the beach or the lake... whatever is handy. Don't forget to slather on that sunblock.
2. Go on a picnic. chances are you haven't done this since you were a kid. Gather up a group of friends and have each bring something to contribute.
3. Visit your nearest park and do a little people watching. It's relaxing and you never know who you might spot. Famous people like parks too. ;)
4. If you don't have a dog, ask if you can borrow a neighbors' and take him for a walk. Both of you will benefit.
5. Try your hand at a game of tennis. Most schools offer free courts and then just have fun. Even my Mom comes occasionally and she can't play if her life depended on it. But, she's having fun and burning calories.
6. Check out the latest fall makeup colors for fall. Okay, this could cost you a little, but you don't have to buy a lot. Be sure to read thie article on this site entitled, "How to Buy Just What You Need."
7. Find your kitchen. Yes, you do have one and then try your hand at cooking something. Everyone should be able to cook one dinner.
8. You can't keep the same hours you did during the summer. Time to start going to bed at a reasonable hour. Personally, school starts way too early to suit me!
9. Clean off your desk. You will be using it soon.
10. Make a pitcher of something iced and then sit out and enjoy the stars while it is still warm enough.
. Play board games all day.
2. Go get a make over at the mall.
3. Throw a sleep over with three of your pals and play truth or dare, eat munchies, and watch flicks all nite. While staying up 24/7, makeovers, manicures, and pedicure are free.
4. Make an ultra breakfast for your friends or family.
5. Give yourself a free pass/coupon to eat whatever you want for one day.
6. Play charades with you friends.
7. Rent 5 scary movies and watch them with your friends within 2 days.
8. Go have a fun time at a playground.
9. Go out for pizza.
10. Read and write some poetry.
11. Go to a thrift store for some neat, vintage items.
12. Make a scrap book about a relationship you are in, family, friends, or things you did over the summer.
13. Pick some flowers from your garden and put them in your room.
14. Grab a Cosmopolitan magazine and take some quizzes out of it.
15. Go to a park with some McDonald's and a friend... have a small picnic.
16. Look through old yearbooks.
17. Buy a book of Mad Libs to pass the time.
18. Discover a new talent.
19. Meditate for 30 minutes.
20. Throw a theme party and invite your closest friends.
21. Go bowling!
22. Write down 3 goals you want to accomplish for the school year to come.
23. Read a novel or different style of book that you usually don't read.
24. Treat a friend to lunch.
25. Play truth or dare with your friends (for old times sake).
26. Make koolaide popcicles.
27. Have a reading done by a fortune teller.
28. Apply for a summer job.
29. Buy a dream book to discover what your dreams mean.
30. Go on a steady diet for one month.
31. Pitch a tent, invite some friends over, cook smores, and have a fun camping experience.
32. Blow bubbles.
33. Attend a book club at Barnes and Noble.
34. Go to an amusement park.
35. Make a collage.
36. GOLF!
37. Play BINGO.
38. Go to a flea market to find treasures.
39. Create a website.
40. Make a mixed cd (legally, lol).
41. Bake cupcakes and decorate them.
Bathe in the ocean
Build a sandcastle
Bury someone in the sand
Buy a movie projector and charge admission to view the movie that is projected on the side of your house at night. (set up chairs, couches, snack bar etc.)
Celebrate on the beach with an ice cream fight - then dive in with your clothes on
Cook your breakfast on an outdoor fire
Find a field of wild flowers and sell bouquets for 5 bucks each
Float down a slow river on a tube
Get a random summer job with a friend
Go boating
Go camping on the beach
Go far a tram ride
Go on a rock find
Go paddle boating
Go swimming with all your clothes on
Go to a classical concert outdoors
Go to an afternoon baseball game
Go to an outdoor café
Go to the beach with sandwiches and a fantastic friend
Go to your nearest trampoline and bounce
Have a classic movie night outside with friends
Learn a new water dive
Learn to throw a boomerang
Look for sand dollars and shells at a beach
On a super hot day, get a kiddy wading pool - fill it up - then sit in it for most of the afternoon
Play backgammon outdoors somewhere
Play croquet with party beverages
Play some children's games
Put up a basketball hoop
Ride a bike off a dock right into the lake!
Ride every ride at the carnival
Set up the sprinkler
Sign up for a summer camp
Sleep on your roof
Start a herb garden
Summer snowball fight (if you have an indoor ice arena close by, there should always be a big pile of snow at the side of the building - just take a couple of coolers and fill them up with snow, then go to the beach when it's 90 degrees and have a snowball fight)
Swim at the pool
Swim in a lake or a river
That old favorite - badminton
Watch fireflies light their bums up
Yee-ha - take a hayride
1. Go to the beach or the lake... whatever is handy. Don't forget to slather on that sunblock.
2. Go on a picnic. chances are you haven't done this since you were a kid. Gather up a group of friends and have each bring something to contribute.
3. Visit your nearest park and do a little people watching. It's relaxing and you never know who you might spot. Famous people like parks too. ;)
4. If you don't have a dog, ask if you can borrow a neighbors' and take him for a walk. Both of you will benefit.
5. Try your hand at a game of tennis. Most schools offer free courts and then just have fun. Even my Mom comes occasionally and she can't play if her life depended on it. But, she's having fun and burning calories.
6. Check out the latest fall makeup colors for fall. Okay, this could cost you a little, but you don't have to buy a lot. Be sure to read thie article on this site entitled, "How to Buy Just What You Need."
7. Find your kitchen. Yes, you do have one and then try your hand at cooking something. Everyone should be able to cook one dinner.
8. You can't keep the same hours you did during the summer. Time to start going to bed at a reasonable hour. Personally, school starts way too early to suit me!
9. Clean off your desk. You will be using it soon.
10. Make a pitcher of something iced and then sit out and enjoy the stars while it is still warm enough.
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Title Post: 101 things to do over summer?
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