Saturday, September 21, 2013

Advice on finding part time job?

long beach animal shelter jobs
 on Animal Shelter
long beach animal shelter jobs image


I have been looking for a job for over a year with no luck. I am 20 years old, a college student and have no work experience. I have been applying to places such as buffalo wild wings, togos, quiznos, robeks, jamba juice, and many other places. I dont know what to do, how am i supposed to get work experience if I cant get a job? Does any body have tips on how to get my first job? I even included a text version of my resume if somebody could give me some feedback on it.

I am an enthusiastic Dietetics student, seeking to apply my knowledge of safe food handling and food service.

California State University, Long Beach
Long Beach CA, 90840
Bachelors of Science in Dietetics and Food Administration (May 2015)

Native Spanish Speaker
Serve Safe Certification (January 2012)
Proficient in Microsoft Office, Power Point, Excel

Relevant Courses
Hospitality Food Service Sanitation
Learn Principles of sanitation and food safety
Learn to control and investigate food borne illnesses
Receiving, storing and preparing food properly

Member of the Student Dietetic Association at California State University, Long Beach
Member of the Leadership Academy at California State University, Long Beach (2012-2013)
Member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Orange District (2012-2013)

Volunteer Experience
Volunteer at ASPCA LA Animal Shelter:
Assisting Clients looking to adopt a pet
Making sure food and water bowls are filled

Frequent Volunteer at âCasa Esperanzaâ battered womenâs shelter in Ensenada, Mexico:
Donate items for Women and children of the shelter
Working in the kitchen to cook and prepare meals
Organize activities for the kids

search through adds in newspaper and online. make sure the search bar is in your loval area. make sure that it's a job that:
1) is locatd w/in a 5 mile radius of where you reside,
2) has possibility for improvement. so even if you don't find that full time job you were looking for, you'll have this job to fall back on.

Thoughts about getting a dog?


I need some advice!

I tend to ramble so sorry.
I just typed so much and it was alot so i deleted it and im restarting.

My mom taught us bad habbits about animals.
Shes very irresponsible with animals. Doesnt license them or anything...Were not even aloud to have a cat but we have one. Multiple times shes given our cat pets to shelters for one reason or the other. (usually moving) She never set the example that pets are forever. They need forever homes.
It wasnt untill I starting volunteering at the shelter thaat I realized pets arent dispensable.
You cant just hand them over to a stranger or shelter because you have to move or soemthing. You find a way to make it work.My sister has already followed my moms footsteps. Wasnt aloud a dog-gave away the dog easily. Didnt care too much about trying to keep her. Even when I offered to keep her she said "no Im just going to give her to my friend"

So I guess thats my background story and I fear I will end up like them!!!
Im moving to california for college next year. This question is only suited if I chose to go to community college first, which then Id be living in a house next to the beach with other animals in the house. (with backyard) I will most likley bring my cat with me and fingers crossed he will like the other animals since it wont be in his territory (happend b4)
But if my cat doesnt get along with my Aunt's dogs, then I have no choice but to give him up (my mom wont take him even though she was the one who wanted to keep him!) So thats a problem sort of relevant to my issue.

All my life I wanted a dog. More specifically a golden. But my mom always had cats. (except when I was little) It isnt until now, being 17 and older than I so desperately long for a dog. (i sort of have little mental probs like social anxiety depression ect.) So I have this idea in my head that dogs (Goldens) are a woMAN's best friend. Theres this expression in a golden's face that just makes you happy because you feel loved. I imagine if I get one I would love and cherrish him forever. I would never give him up for something as silly as moving. I would make it work out.

You can skip this next part if you want

My concerns:this is just me typing my thoughts to read it out loud
I kinda have depression and sleep all day. (It seams almost as if it's impossible to wake up before 12pm now) I would be waking early for work or school probably so I guess it wouldnt be a problem waking up for potty break. But what about being gone all day? I guess I could hire someone or lock him in the backyard or something........
But what about exercise? Im introverted and dont like leaving the house... I love the beach but am I willing to run every day? I guess I can make it some sort of night exercise? Since Im a night owl..
Or let the dog do the running.
The dog wouldnt be lonley because of the other pets in the house....

What Im really concerned about is when I start a career or change my job/education dramatically- what then? What if im gone all day? What if having a dog doesnt work out?

Ive never had a dog while i was consciously aware of it so I was never able to learn the responsibility of having a dog.

I guess what Im concerned about is A: I dont know where my life is going. So how am I suposed to know if having a dog is a good idea? B: I dont want to end up like my mom giving up my pet just because it becomes hard or inconvenient.

So have you ever gotten a dog and love it to death and then face difficulties like financial difficulties or housing trouble or work too much?? How do you cope with a dog? Is it that hard? Or is it quite easy with routine?
Am I worrying too much?

I can hardley wait one more year (which im srsly thinking about getting a dog now but i know i have to wait) so i wont be able to wait 2+ years for a dog. My whole life will be dedicated towards animals... Clearly Im incapable of living without one.

But the fear of not knowing my future is preventing me from getting a dog because Im terrified if I get a dog Ill have to end up giving him away. Which I dont want to do!!!
So much for shortening it...
-at first your answer was helpful, tough love, and instructive. But then it became more badgering and unreliant of facts. I retyped this a couple times so I might have made a mistake, or forgot to change it, but I mean to say I could hire someone to change the behavior of my cat so hed get along with other animals. Instead of getting rid of him. Because You're right. I should not get another animal until Ive accepted that ALL animals, no matter what, are forever. Even if they have problems like not getting along with others. Until Ive accomplished my cat getting along with others, I wont get a dog. So that helped me set a goal, so thank you. But honestly the rest was just completley rude because you assume Im this horribly irresponsible owner. Or at least you think I WOULD be. Clearly Im more responsible than you think because im getting help or advice from others. Evaluating my options so that I can make sure i provide the best life for my future dog. I didnt say id leave

For starters, you are responsible for your choices. If the actions of your sister and mother upset you, you can make the choice to not be like them. Just because your family does or is something, doesn't mean you have to tag along, especially once you're 18.
Having a dog (or any pet really) is a lot of work and usually requires some sacrifice on your part. I have livestock animals (pigs, goats, sheep) as pets, so when I want to have a family vacation, I have to find a good friend I trust to take care of them. It doesn't matter if it's snowing and ten degrees out, they still have to be fed and watered. I would love to be able to go to the movies all the time or go see more concerts, but having as many animals as I do, I can't afford both. To me, the companionship and bond I have with my animals more than makes up for that.
At this point in life, no one really knows where their life is going. If you decide to get a dog, that will impact all of the decisions you make further down the road. If a house doesn't allow pets, you can't rent there, if you have a larger dog, you can't get a small apartment, things like that. So, before you get a dog, you should do some serious thinking and be absolutely sure you're willing to make those kinds of sacrifices.
You might be worrying too much, too. I've dealt with depression issues in the past, so I understand where you're coming from. I'm horrible about worrying. It's part of why being a vet tech was so hard on me. The physical job wasn't what bothered me, my problem was being unable to leave work at work. I would make myself sick worrying. The good news, though, is that having animals actually helps with a lot of that. I find that having something else to take care of makes me feel useful and it's comforting knowing there's a living being at home that will be overjoyed when you walk in the door. When my depression would get really bad and I would start having self destructive thoughts, knowing that I would be leaving my animals in a bad situation kept me from doing some really dumb things. Having a pet and knowing they love and depend on you makes it easier to get through some really bad times.
I would suggest looking into adopting a young adult dog when you do get one. You'll get to skip the chewing puppy phase, the dog can stay home alone longer, and you'd be giving a home to a dog that has a much lower chance of being adopted. No one comes to shelters or rescues looking for adult dogs, they want puppies. The adults spend a heck of a lot more time in shelters than puppies do.
Having a dog is a lot of work, but the rewards to your mental health, emotional well being and life are worth it, I think. Hope this helps and if you have any other questions (or just need to vent to someone) you can email me through my profile.

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